Texas Hard to Find Surety Bonds

At Jet Insurance Company, we handle all surety bond sectors, regardless of the profitability or if just one person will ever need that bond. The bonds below are generally not offered at other surety companies. Jet conscientiously researches the details of each and every bond requirement to offer an accurate pricing and proper coverage.

If you still don't see the bond you need listed, don't fret - give us a call at (855) 296-2663 and we will help you get the necessary coverage. We write all kinds of bonds and would love to add a new one to our list. You can also check out our complete alphabetical list of Texas Surety Bonds.


Athlete recruiters and solicitors must be licensed with the Texas Secretary of State Registration Unit and hold a surety bond. Agents only providing a general contract need a $50,000 bond; agents providing financial services/entering into a contract need a $100,000 bond.

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation requires two bonds: a $15,000 Combative Sports Promoter Bond and a $15,000 Combative Sports Gross Receipts Tax Bond for individuals arranging, producing, advertising, or staging boxing, wrestling, martial arts, and similar events.

Owners of health clubs, gyms, weight rooms, and any other facility that provides memberships for a physical exercise program must get and maintain a surety bond for the duration of their operations.


Motor clubs (aka automobile clubs) offering membership services to the Texas public are required to have a $25,000 Automobile Club Surety Bond on file with the Secretary of State.

Owners of private storage lots in the City of Houston, Texas must be approved for an operator permit by the local Police Department. A surety bond is enforced to obtain and keep this permit.


The Department of Housing and Community Affairs mandates all individuals working in manufactured housing (manufacturers, retailers, brokers, and installers) hold a Manufactured Housing License Bond (aka Continuous Manufactured Housing Licensing Surety Bond).

Anyone operating or maintaining oil or gas wells in Texas must have a Performance Bond to guarantee they will fulfill work (plug the well and clean up appropriately). The Texas Railroad Commission will also accept a Blanket Performance Bond which covers multiple well operations.

A Commercial Sign Operator Bond is required for sign owners assembling or maintaining billboards in Texas. The Department of Transportation enforces this bond as a way to guarantee reimbursement for having to take down offensive or unauthorized signs.


A $25,000 Business Opportunity Seller Bond is a registration requirement for those who sell or lease business opportunities in the State of Texas.

Texas notaries have a $10,000 bond requirement which is good for a 4-year term with the county clerk in the county they are operating in.

Companies and individuals that sell, install, service, and/or monitor an alarm system or burglary detection device must be licensed as an alarm system company. A $10,000 Burglar Alarm Seller Bond (Seller's Certificate Surety Bond) is required.

Manufacturing site operators, distribution site operators, and users harboring merchandise in/nearby ports of entry in El Paso, Texas, (Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) No. 68), are required to submit a $125,000 Foreign Trade Zone User Bond with the City.

Secondhand item dealers and junk dealers are obligated to carry a $1,000 surety bond to work in Sherman Texas.

Individuals selling and purchasing precious metals (gold, silver, jewelry, and coins) in Wichita Falls, Texas must be registered with the City Clerk’s Office.


To be registered as a for-profit legal service contractor company in Texas, the Department of Licensing and Regulation requires a For-Profit Legal Service Contracts Bond for the duration of operations.

Those responsible for administering examinations measuring deception (lie detector tests) must have an active license and $5,000 Polygraph Examiner Bond on file with the Department of Licensing and Regulation.


Veterans Organization Solicitors, Telephone Solicitors, and Public Safety Organizations, Independent Promoters, or Public Safety Publication Solicitors all need a surety bond filed with the Secretary of State to operate in Texas.

Businesses that don’t have a physical location for selling wares are known by several names: itinerant merchants, transient vendors, peddlers, solicitors, street vendors, etc. Many cities require these sellers to hold a surety bond.

Beyond Categorization

The Surety Bond for a License to Conduct Bingo (Bingo Conductor Bond) and the Surety Bond for Manufacturer (Bingo Manufacturer Bond) are bonds required by the Texas Lottery Commission which oversees the charitable bingo industry to ensure honest and honorable bingo operations.

Companies that provide professional employment services, previously known as staff leasing, must be licensed as a Professional Employment Organization (PEO). The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation enforces PEO's to maintain a Professional Employer Organization Bond while licensed.

Various utility companies in Texas require customers entering into a service agreement to first obtain a Utility Deposit Bond to guarantee payment is received for services such as water, electric, sewer, or garbage.

Notary Bond Application:

Business Information:

Indemnity Agreement:

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a Dishonesty Bond also known as a Business Service Bond or Janitorial Service Bond (“bond”) to the Surety Company (“SURETY”) through Jet Insurance Company (“JET”), with whom I hereby grant the authority to act on my behalf with respect to the bond and assign as my Broker of Record, and declare that the statements herein are true and correct. In consideration of the SURETY issuing, renewing or substituting said bond(s), I, individually and as the owner or officer of the bonded entity, hereby understand and agree, as follows: (i) to reimburse, hold harmless, and indemnify SURETY upon demand for all loss, liability, claim, expense, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees, investigative fees and claims handling fees, and any other cost which SURETY shall pay or incur in defense, adjustment, or settlement of such claims/suits by reason of such suretyship; (ii) that an itemized statement of loss and expenses by SURETY shall be indisputable proof of my liability to SURETY; (iii) coverage is subject to a $100 deductible; (iv) the employee must be convicted before coverage will apply (v) performance and any form of dispute resolution of this agreement shall take place in the county of SURETY's office of service; and (vi) a facsimile copy or electronically signed version of this agreement shall be binding as if it were an original. This agreement shall survive any changes in, substitute to or renewal of the bond(s).

Required Effect Date of Bond Policy:

Contact Information:

Employee Dishonesty Bond Application:

Business Information:

Business Description:

Coverage Requirements:

Indemnity Agreement:

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a Dishonesty Bond also known as a Business Service Bond or Janitorial Service Bond (“bond”) to the Surety Company (“SURETY”) through Jet Insurance Company (“JET”), with whom I hereby grant the authority to act on my behalf with respect to the bond and assign as my Broker of Record, and declare that the statements herein are true and correct. In consideration of the SURETY issuing, renewing or substituting said bond(s), I, individually and as the owner or officer of the bonded entity, hereby understand and agree, as follows: (i) to reimburse, hold harmless, and indemnify SURETY upon demand for all loss, liability, claim, expense, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees, investigative fees and claims handling fees, and any other cost which SURETY shall pay or incur in defense, adjustment, or settlement of such claims/suits by reason of such suretyship; (ii) that an itemized statement of loss and expenses by SURETY shall be indisputable proof of my liability to SURETY; (iii) coverage is subject to a $100 deductible; (iv) the employee must be convicted before coverage will apply (v) performance and any form of dispute resolution of this agreement shall take place in the county of SURETY's office of service; and (vi) a facsimile copy or electronically signed version of this agreement shall be binding as if it were an original. This agreement shall survive any changes in, substitute to or renewal of the bond(s).

Required Effect Date of Bond Policy:

Contact Information:

Contract Bond Application:

Business Information:

Owner Information:

Job Details:

Indemnity Agreement:

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a Dishonesty Bond also known as a Business Service Bond or Janitorial Service Bond (“bond”) to the Surety Company (“SURETY”) through Jet Insurance Company (“JET”), with whom I hereby grant the authority to act on my behalf with respect to the bond and assign as my Broker of Record, and declare that the statements herein are true and correct. In consideration of the SURETY issuing, renewing or substituting said bond(s), I, individually and as the owner or officer of the bonded entity, hereby understand and agree, as follows: (i) to reimburse, hold harmless, and indemnify SURETY upon demand for all loss, liability, claim, expense, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees, investigative fees and claims handling fees, and any other cost which SURETY shall pay or incur in defense, adjustment, or settlement of such claims/suits by reason of such suretyship; (ii) that an itemized statement of loss and expenses by SURETY shall be indisputable proof of my liability to SURETY; (iii) coverage is subject to a $100 deductible; (iv) the employee must be convicted before coverage will apply (v) performance and any form of dispute resolution of this agreement shall take place in the county of SURETY's office of service; and (vi) a facsimile copy or electronically signed version of this agreement shall be binding as if it were an original. This agreement shall survive any changes in, substitute to or renewal of the bond(s).

Required Effect Date of Bond Policy:

Contact Information:

Worker's Compensation Application:

Business Information:

Business Description:

Coverage Requirements

Indemnity Agreement:

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a Dishonesty Bond also known as a Business Service Bond or Janitorial Service Bond (“bond”) to the Surety Company (“SURETY”) through Jet Insurance Company (“JET”), with whom I hereby grant the authority to act on my behalf with respect to the bond and assign as my Broker of Record, and declare that the statements herein are true and correct. In consideration of the SURETY issuing, renewing or substituting said bond(s), I, individually and as the owner or officer of the bonded entity, hereby understand and agree, as follows: (i) to reimburse, hold harmless, and indemnify SURETY upon demand for all loss, liability, claim, expense, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, expert’s fees, investigative fees and claims handling fees, and any other cost which SURETY shall pay or incur in defense, adjustment, or settlement of such claims/suits by reason of such suretyship; (ii) that an itemized statement of loss and expenses by SURETY shall be indisputable proof of my liability to SURETY; (iii) coverage is subject to a $100 deductible; (iv) the employee must be convicted before coverage will apply (v) performance and any form of dispute resolution of this agreement shall take place in the county of SURETY's office of service; and (vi) a facsimile copy or electronically signed version of this agreement shall be binding as if it were an original. This agreement shall survive any changes in, substitute to or renewal of the bond(s).

Required Effect Date of Bond Policy:

Contact Information: