Outdoor advertisers (commercial signs owners) need a Commercial Sign Operator’s Bond to assemble or maintain billboards in Texas. Formerly known as the Outdoor Advertiser Bond, the Commercial Sign Operator Bond is used to reimburse the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for taking down offensive or unauthorized signs when an owner refuses to.
Get your Commercial Sign Operator Bond within minutes through Jet’s speedy bond process!
With Jet, a payment of $10 per month can secure your Commercial Sign Operator Bond. Annual and multi-year options are available as well. See the chart below for our guaranteed prices!
Bond Term | Cost |
Monthly | $10 |
1 Year | $100 |
2 Years | $175 |
3 Years | $250 |
This bond can have a different amount of coverage, but regardless of the bond limit, you can purchase the bond for a low rate of $100 a year or our other payment options. The different limits are based on how many counties the owner has billboards in, as follows:
Just select the payment option and fill in the required payment fields. After you have completed your purchase, Jet will send you a digital copy of the bond and a receipt via email.
You may print out the bond to sign it before uploading it to the Enterprise Permitting Solution (EPS) portal. The bond can be attached in the section for “Supporting Documents” during the application for an Outdoor Advertising License or Commercial Sign Operator’s License. Additional items required are listed on this checklist. If you need to mail anything to the Department, you may do so at this address:
Texas Transportation Commission
Right of Way Division
PO Box 5075
Austin, TX 78763-5075
This bond must be renewed annually to stay active along with the commercial sign operator license. Whenever your bond term is ending, Jet will send you an emailed and mailed renewal notice that is easily filled out. Just select your new term and submit payment and you’re done!
For those who are paying for the Commercial Sign Operator Bond monthly, you don’t need to worry about renewals—your bond will keep going with each payment that goes through.
If you need to end your bond before your term is up, send an email to bonddept@jetsurety.com. We will notify the TxDOT of the request for cancellation and they will begin the 30-day cancellation period. Once that time is over, Jet will provide refunds based on the amount of time left on prepaid year-long terms; monthly payments are not eligible for refunds and will cease after the cancellation period ends.
The whole reason this bond exists is to repay the TxDOT for having to remove billboards or commercial signs that don’t follow the specifications given in the Texas Transportation Code, Chapters 391 and 394, and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Chapter 21. Examples of actions that would be a violation of these rules and legislation, and would lead to the removal of the billboard, are as follows.
If the Department has an objection to a sign and requires its removal, they will send a written warning to the sign owner. The owner/outdoor advertiser will have 45 days to take it down. If the sign is not taken down, the Department will request for the attorney general to prohibit the advertiser from maintaining the billboard or order the removal of the sign itself. If it comes to this, the Department will look to the Commercial Sign Operator Bond to be reimbursed for the expense of removing the sign.
When you receive a claim, get in touch with Jet right away. We will check whether the claim has merit so that false accusations aren’t paid out. Valid claims will lead to reimbursement from the bond; but, you must pay Jet back to restore the bond. Your license will be suspended or revoked if you do not have a full bond on file.