The City of Grand Prairie, Texas requires various contractors to obtain a permit with the Public Works Department. Depending on the permit type, the contractor may also need a surety bond.
Any company that moves houses, buildings, or any other kind of structure will require a license and a $1,000 House Mover Bond.
As for contractors that are performing construction upon a public right-of-way area such as excavation, rebuilding, and/or maintenance work, a permit and a Right-of-Way Bond are needed. It is important to note that the bond is formally referred to as a Public Works Maintenance Bond.
House Mover Bond Cost. If you are seeking a $1,000 House Mover Bond, you may purchase the bond with Jet for the guaranteed price of just $100 for a one-year term. Simply click the “Apply For Your Bond” button above to begin the payment process immediately.
Bond Limit | Cost |
$1,000 | $100 |
Right of Way Bond Cost. As for the Right-of-Way Bond, the custom bond limit must be equal to the estimated cost of the right-of-way project.
At Jet, prices for the surety bond are a small percentage of the custom bond limit and are based on a soft credit check of the contractor. For example, if you are seeking up to a $10,000 bond limit, rates are as low as $100 for a one-year bond term.
For additional examples of custom bond limits and Jet’s rates, take a look at the price chart below.
Bond Limit | Cost |
$10,000 | $100 |
$25,000 | $250 |
$50,000 | $500 |
Both the original House Mover Bond form and the Right-of-Way Bond form must be signed, sealed, and submitted to the Grand Prairie Public Works Department at the following mailing address:
City of Grand Prairie
Public Works Department
300 West Main Street
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
The main purpose of both the House Mover Bond and the Right-of-Way Bond is to act as financial assurances that the contractor will follow the regulations of their license or permit and fulfill all obligations of their construction contracts. The bonds are also in place to protect the financial interests of the contractor’s customers. In cases where a customer or the City of Grand Prairie is damaged by the contractor due to them violating requirements, the applicable surety bond may be used to cover any financial losses incurred by the harmed party.
For example, contractors that have been hired to complete a right-of-way project are contractually obligated to maintain such work for a period of two years once the job has been completed. Failure to do so is considered a breach of contract and the city may file a claim on the contractor’s Right-of-Way Bond to cover the cost of hiring a new contractor to maintain the job site properly.
These will cover any project up to a year. If the project goes longer, the bond will need to be renewed. The Jet team will send you a renewal invoice before your official bond term expiration date by mail and email. If you are interested in renewing, all you need to do is complete the standard payment due and your surety bond will be all set with the City of Grand Prairie for another term.