Public and private schools that offer cosmetology and/or barber education courses must be licensed with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). In addition, private post-secondary barber schools specifically must file a Barber School Permit Bond with the Department. The surety bond requirement still applies if you are operating a dual cosmetology and barbering school.
Jet Insurance Company provides the Barber School Bond to act as a financial guarantee for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and students of the school. In cases where the barber school fails to reimburse students for unused tuition due to a cancelled course or an abrupt school closure, the surety bond may be used as restitution to cover losses incurred by the damaged party.
The custom bond amount for the Barber School Bond is determined by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. The limit is based on school operations and a percentage of the average amount of student tuition received each semester or school year.
At Jet, the Barber School Permit Bond cost is a small fraction of the custom limit and is based on a soft credit check of the barber school owner. For example, if you are seeking up to a $10,000 bond amount, you can pay as low as $100 for a 1-year bond term. For additional limits at preferred tier rates, take a look at the chart below.
Limit | Monthly | Annual |
$10,000 | $10 | $100 |
$20,000 | $20 | $200 |
$50,000 | $50 | $500 |
$100,000 | $100 | $1,000 |
Jet also offers monthly payment options for schools that want to keep their surety bond continuously active. As long as payments are fulfilled, your bond will stay up-to-date with the TDLR for as long as you’d like.
Jet's application for the Barber School Bond was created with ease in mind. Some general information is needed such as your contact details, required bond limit, and your social security number. No need to worry though, this process won’t affect your current score in any way. Your bond will be available to purchase in moments. Simply fulfill the standard payment due and receive a copy of your receipt and bond form right away. It’s that easy!
The original signed and sealed Barber School Bond form and your completed Barber School Permit Application, along with any other required paperwork, must be submitted together to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at the following mailing address:
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
PO Box 12157
Austin, TX 78711
It is important to note that instructions for all the required documents needed and mandated qualifications and criteria of the school building location can be found on the first page of your permit application.
Your licensing, and typically your Barber School Bond too, will need to be renewed one year after issuance. However, if you enrolled in our monthly payment plan, you won’t have to worry about renewing your bond! The surety bond will remain in effect as long as payments are made or until official cancellation is sought.
As for those who choose to pay for the Barber School Permit Bond in full and upfront, a Jet team member will send you a renewal invoice prior to your bond term expiration date by mail and email. To successfully renew, just complete the standard payment due and your bond will remain active with the TDLR for another term.
You may cancel your Barber School Bond at any time. All that we require is that you send us a written cancellation request to [email protected], and once received, the Jet team will begin the termination process. Official notice will be sent to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. The liability of your bond will then be released within a 30-day period of the notification being received.
Public and private post-secondary barber institutions are expected to comply with all regulations pertaining to schooling in Title 9, Chapter 1601 of the Texas Occupation Code as it pertains to the rules and obligations of their permit. Violations may lead to a loss of license, large fines and/or civil penalties. Further details regarding disciplinary action can be found on the Barber School Penalties and Sanctions webpage.
As for a claim being filed on the Barber School Bond, this will only occur if the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation has found that the school failed to reimburse students for any unused tuition within 30 days of the damaged student becoming eligible for said refund. This typically occurs if the school cancels a course, does not complete instruction of a course, or if the school abruptly shuts down due to bankruptcy and is unable to reimburse students for their unused tuition. The student will likely receive reimbursement directly through the Barber School Tuition Protection Account and the TDLR will proceed with filing a claim on the school’s bond to cover the cost of funds taken out of the account on behalf of their permit violation.
If you receive a claim notice from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, contact Jet as soon as possible. We will ask that you provide us with all available information and documentation regarding the claim. These details will be used for Jet’s review and investigation of the alleged violation.
Per the Texas Barber School Bond form, Jet is legally obligated to make payment for justified claims up to the bond’s limit. You, the barber school owner, are responsible for your actions and must therefore reimburse Jet for the claim payout made on behalf of your transgression. Failure to do so will lead to future difficulties obtaining surety bonds in the State of Texas.